About Us
Highfield Community Centre was opened on the 31st January 1970 By Reginald Freeson ESQ., MP. Parliamentary Secretary to The Ministry of Housing & Local Government.The Chairman back on the 1st January 1993 said that the lease being finally handed to Highfield Community Centre would mean a fast learning experience, managing the day to day responsibilities and keeping this important building open and available to local people.On the 22nd March 1993 Highfield Community Centre became a Registered Charity (No:1018758)It is now run by Highfield Community Association, for the benefit of all Highfield residents.The Centre consists of a large hall, several meeting rooms, a bar area, café and a full sized, well laid out kitchenEvents and activities are run daily and all facilities are competitively priced and represent reasonable cost, for private functions or for organised activities.​For the use of the community there is a a superb hall, which without restrictions (Covid), holds 200 people. There are seats available for 174 people.